Muelle de hierro. RIALIA, Industria Museoa, Museo de la industria

Iron Pier of Portugalete

The Iron Pier, also known as «Muelle de Churruca», was approved by the end of 1879 and first opened in 1887. Churruca conceived a molten iron frame on top of nut pilings, that was required as the dock would be faced with the strength of the waves. This structure would serve in turn, as an upper scaffolding structure to form the wooden floor.

He established a breakwater foundation, and in the space between the piles, he arranged a solid concrete that would reach 4.20 m over the equinoctial low tide. This would work to guide the currents of ebb and flow.

This kind of semi-submerged dike provided many advantages as it would mean they would not need a longer breakwater and would provide a wider course or riverbed for high tide.

The «Muelle de Hierro de Portugalete» was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in the Monument category in 2011.


Below the text are three images of the iron pier.

Muelle de hierro. RIALIA, Industria Museoa, Museo de la industria
Muelle de hierro. RIALIA, Industria Museoa, Museo de la industria
Muelle de hierro. RIALIA, Industria Museoa, Museo de la industria
Muelle de hierro. RIALIA, Industria Museoa, Museo de la industria
Muelle de hierro. RIALIA, Industria Museoa, Museo de la industria
Muelle de hierro. RIALIA, Industria Museoa, Museo de la industria


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