Convertidor Bessemer de Nicolás Martínez Ortiz de Zárate. Rialia. Industria museoa

Whispers next to the painting The Bessemer Converter

Whispers next to the painting The Bessemer Converter


A steel-work scene. On the left-hand side of the picture are two men with defined muscles, handling an iron container held by heavy chains, while their colleagues, in the front, towards the centre, fill another one using spades full of mineral stones. In the centre of the image, on the top, in the background, three Bessemer converters can be seen.

Convertidor Bessemer de Nicolás Martínez Ortiz de Zárate. Rialia. Industria museoa
Convertidor Bessemer de Nicolás Martínez Ortiz de Zárate. Rialia. Industria museoa

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