Última colada. Fernando Calleja. Rialia. Industria museoa

The last casting

THE LAST CASTING. Oil on relief by Fernando Calleja Gordóbil, 2001 130 X 160 cm.)

a text by Amaia Barrena García

A powerful furnace, a converter of iron to steel, spitting burning smoke as if it had a mouth. Liquid iron, red hot, as they call it, pouring down the canal, on its way to the ingot maker, as if it were a river of lava.

A boiling casting,
a prefabricated volcano,
a liquid bonfire becoming a river;
a bridge connecting us to history.
That that we now kidnapped for ceramic stoves
Years ago it light furnaces.
How many matches away are we from our past?

Última colada. Fernando Calleja. Rialia. Industria museoa
Última colada. Fernando Calleja. Rialia. Industria museoa




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