You are wellcome

We welcome you to the permanent exhibition of RIALIA, Museum of Industry—a space where you can enjoy learning with all your senses.


RIALIA Industria Museoa – Museo de la Industria

Itsasoari begira: Bizkaiko atea ozeanorantz
Mirando al mar: puerta de Bizkaia al océano
Looking at the sea: door of Biscay to the ocean

Mendiari begira: burdinazko itsasadarra
Mirando a la montaña: ría de hierro
Looking at the mountain: iron river


To make the journey easier for you, we give you some clues.

The order of languages is, throughout the exhibition, Basque (orange), Spanish (blue), and English (green), and you can tour it in any of them.

You will find an open hand sign, which tells you that this element is there to touch at the points where you can feel and perceive other realities through touch. It would be best not to touch places where you do not find that symbol.


Whispers will assault you as you pass through some places, telling you about the paintings. Listen carefully.


You will smell the smell of industry when you look at the model of Altos Hornos, just as you smell the sea on the fourth floor.


The viewers that you will find in the rooms show stereoscopic photographs taken by Eulalia de Abaitua. They are at two levels so that they are accessible.


There is a QR in each language at the beginning of the exhibition, which will guide you from decade to decade along a timeline. We collect scientific, technical, industrial and human nature events in it. It is not exhaustive, just some touches contextualising the exhibition’s contents. They are also on the floor of the rooms.

On the first floor, you will find four computers to play for a while because we also learn by playing.

Meanwhile, you can listen to our music created for RIALIA by artists Mikel Inunziaga and Rubén G. Mateos.

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