RIALIA, Industriaren Museoa

Why go to the RIALIA-Industria Museum?

Why go to RIALIA-Museum of Industry when, on the Internet, you can access any information, in any language, at any time, with any company and with almost any level of knowledge?

  • Because learning happens through experience, not just passively listening to remote stories.
  • Because in this museum, you will be able to ‘experience’ the Industrial Heritage of the environment where the events and activities carried out by its inhabitants took place, giving rise to significant learning outside of a formal environment.
  • Because cultural tourism of active industrial heritage allows you to enjoy multiple proposals.
  • Because the industrial tourism offer linked to the rich environment of the Ría del Nervión is irreplaceable.
  • Because RIALIA-Museum of Industry will allow you to see first-hand the evolution of the transformations that, regarding the industrial development of the left bank, made Bizkaia what it is today.
  • Because only if we go to where the events occurred will we be able to enjoy Industrial Heritage tourism live and direct. And the excellent position of the museum to enjoy all this wealth is undeniable.
  • Because interdisciplinarity is a source of unique wealth that must take place in person.

Museums have been educational places since their inception, with their mission encompassing two sometimes competing goals: caring for collections and providing access and learning opportunities for those who visit them. The great challenge has been structuring and connecting the museum’s funds and presenting them in a balanced, attractive and interactive way.

You will be able to see, hear, touch, smell and taste the story with all five senses.


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